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What is Search Engine?

Search Engine Write for Us – A search engine, usually referred to as a search engine, is a computer system created to conduct searches of files kept in a database using spiders or bots. When a query is received or a database query is made, the search engine displays the results on a results page. If there are multiple results, they are organized hierarchically based on importance.

Search engines are a crucial piece of technology for the operation of the Internet nowadays, given the vast total of data that is available there.

Search Engine Types

According to the kind of data they gather, search engines can be divided into the following categories:

When conducting a search, a web page search engine returns the most pertinent web page.

Image Finder: Scans photos and presents a mosaic of useful findings.

The videos are analyzed by Video Finder, which then displays the ones that are believed to be relevant to the search.

File Finder: Provides results according to the file’s name or type.

Workings of Search Engines

Although the methods used by different search engines to deliver user-requested answers can vary, all of them are based on the following three core ideas:


Crawling is the first step in the actual process of finding new websites online.

Web crawlers, sometimes known as bots or spider bots, are tiny programs used by search engines to track links from well-known pages to newly discovered ones.

When a web crawler accesses a new webpage via a link, it reads the page’s content, passes it along for additional processing (a process known as indexing), and then resumes its search for additional web pages.


The process of verifying and saving the content of the webpages in the search engine’s database known as “index” begins once the bots have finished crawling the data. Essentially, it is a huge library of all the websites.

For your website to appear on the search engine results page, it must first be indexed. maintain in mind that indexing and crawling are ongoing procedures that occur repeatedly in order to maintain the database current.

The webpage can be utilized as a search result for a possible search query after it has been examined and saved in the index.


The final stage consists of selecting the top outcomes and compiling a list of pages that will show up on the result page.

Numerous ranking signals are used by each search engine, and the majority of them are kept private and are not accessible to the general public.

Search Engine Examples

We can locate the following search engines among the popular ones:

  • Google is regarded as the biggest search engine in the world and was founded by Larry Page and Sergei Brin in 1996.
  • Formerly known as Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search, Bing is a Microsoft-owned search engine.
  • Currently, Yahoo searches are conducted via the Bing engine.
  • With more than 600 million users, Baidu is the most popular search engine in China.
  • Yandex is the search engine for countries that speak Russian.
  • DuckDuckGo is a search engine substitute that places a strong emphasis on protecting users’ privacy.

About our Website

Wikitech Blog has a bulk of our visitors as groups and individuals from several organizational departments looking for best practices, ideas, and instructions on how to interact and cooperate efficiently. We only take clear, appealing content in the following categories, as we want to build a trustworthy collection of data and information to which they may resort to improving and simplifying their workflows. You can go through previous postings on our blog to better recognize and understand other topics, content formats, vocabulary, and styles that we prefer. We only accept clear, interesting work from the categories listed below.

  • Apps
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